Rebuilding lives as we build a shelter
During 20 years of bloody conflict, more than any place on earth, the women of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have suffered rape, abandonment by their families and communities, and HIV/AIDs.
Rebuilding lives as we build a shelter
During 20 years of bloody conflict, more than any place on earth, the women of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have suffered rape, abandonment by their families and communities, and HIV/AIDs.
Restoring hope for the next generation.
Survivors of rape need resources to recover physically, emotionally and spiritually. United Methodists around the world can build a safe shelter for these women branded by violent sexual assaults.
Restoring hope for the next generation.
Survivors of rape need resources to recover physically, emotionally and spiritually. United Methodists around the world can build a safe shelter for these women branded by violent sexual assaults.
Rewriting the story.
Counseling, learning income producing skills and access to health and mental care will mean these women can rewrite their stories from victim to survivor.
Rewriting the story.
Counseling, learning income producing skills and access to health and mental care will mean these women can rewrite their stories from victim to survivor.

Creating a place of renewal.
“Marie” is one of many women whose stories are so similar. “They came in the night to my village. They raped me in front of my husband and then they killed him.” She has HIV/AIDs and lost most of the sight in one eye from a knife wound. She is raising a baby that is the result of the rape.
“I believe in Jesus and I hope one day to have a life again.”